Приветствую вас! Благодарю всех, кто заглядывает ко мне в гости и на встречи на моей рукодельной кухне, и сюда, на чашечку English Tea;) Рада всем знакомым, старым друзьям и новым подписчикам! Если желаете быть в курсе моих англо-новостей, подписывайтесь и добавляйтесь в читатели. Гаджет - слева на панельке)))

По ярлыкам можно посмотреть избранную информацию для учителей, учеников и их родителей. В верхнем меню вы найдете кое-что ОБО МНЕ, некоторые ПОЛЕЗНОСТИ (в т.ч. нормативно-правовые документы) и информацию о моих ДОСТИЖЕНИЯХ в профессиональной сфере.

среда, 1 февраля 2012 г.

Get inspiration from souvenirs international exchange.

I love traveling. Every time I had an opportunity to see a new place there were no reasons to stay at home. I simply packed a bag, took a camera and just jumped on a train or a bus. These were the easy-going days with the new views to discover, new people to meet, and new inspiration to get from the new everything.  

How splendid it is to find a small authentic café and pamper yourself with a fantastic taste of local cuisine! How breathtaking it is to search local flea markets or dig through some garage sales for a vintage souvenir! And how inspiring it is to look through the pictures taken out there and scrutinize the souvenirs brought from all those incredible places! Souvenirs inspiration usually turned out into scrap-booking pages, painted canvas or sewn picture travel bags.

This is what I used to do. Since now I am a mother of a wonderful little girl it all changed to a non-travel lifestyle, but no matter what I found ways to keep collecting incredible souvenirs brought from various places of the world. Friends-who-still-travel help a lot by adding some little precious things to my souvenirs and cards collection, but this is not enough. What really turned out to be extremely useful is international Internet service of souvenirs, cards and collectibles exchange like Intpostage.com or some others. It is simple, quick and quite handy. You just register and get a genuine collectible item delivered right to the door. 

I like this intriguing expectation of a parcel from somewhere or even nowhere as I never know what I get and from which country. I already received some nice things from quite unusual places, and these souvenirs added up some value to my collection.

I believe the international services of cards and collectibles exchange by post like Intpostage.com can as well build some good relationships with people of different ages, origin yet of the same habits like collecting interesting things. As service is a multilingual it definitely eases the communication process.

Who knows, maybe these services can help us keeping post mailings for a hundred of years even in this high-tech era.  We’ll see.

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