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суббота, 16 июня 2012 г.

Cat Museums: art or we heart?

There is a variety of museums all over the world: art museums, musical museums, museums of theater and circus, water museums and museums of silver, and even the weird museums like Medieval Torture Instruments Museum! And of course there are museums that hold unique, hilarious and incredibly cute cat collections of all kinds.

What are these Cat Museums in fact? Has the cat art become so popular that such museums naturally pop out in almost every part of the world? Or maybe cat-lovers are invading the Earth and are going crazy? Or is there even more fantastic thought that maybe CATS are invading the planet and make everyone fall in love with them? Whatever the answer is, cat-lovers should definitely check if there’s a Cat Museum in their own town or a place they are going to visit. 

The famous KattenKabinet in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, features not only great paintings of cats and cat sculptures, but several live cats living on the premises as well. The Moscow Cat Museum in Russia is a cozy place with lots of different cat images and statues hosted by a real Siberian Cat. The Kuching Cat Museum is located in the “cat city” – Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, and it holds over two thousand artifacts about cats from all over the world. The Cat Butt Museum in Irving, Texas, the USA, has an unusual collection devoted to cats’ butts as the museum artists consider this to be “the most vulnerable and important part of a cat”.

The most amazing fact about Cat Museums is that almost all of them are found by great cat-lovers. It seems that the artists’ affection for their beloved puffy cats inspires them to create really genuine masterpieces. The wealthy businessmen have passion for their purring little or not so little cats that brings establishment of Cat Museums into life. And the rest of the world’s fondness for their soft, tender, sweet and whiskered friend gives thousands of Cat Museum visitors all over the planet.

Cat Museums are real fun to go for both adults and children, as long as you are fond of cats. It can be quite educational to see a variety of cats painted by different artists of different ages. It can turn into a big surprise to find out that Japanese cats speak Japanese, and that American cats say “meow”, while Korean ones announce “meeah”. Some of these museums will even let you bring your own cat to enjoy the glorious art.

And for sure you will not leave any Cat Museum without a souvenir. Cat Art is definitely getting more and more serious. There’s a whole industry producing artistic cat-related goods: postcards and pens, T-shirts and bags, puzzles and coloring books, not to mention the home décor items – statues and sculptures of cats of several inches to several meters high. All these items are usually available for purchase at Cat Museums.

So, what are Cat Museums: art or we heart? Oh, it is definitely “we heart the cat art”!

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