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четверг, 14 января 2016 г.

Caution: baby slings are in vogue

You probably often see those baby-carrying-parents walking down the streets proudly with their precious newborns literally attached to them. Millions of modern parents choose baby slings today and say “no” to strollers. Baby slings are becoming not just a mania, but a fashion fetish.

No doubt, these baby carriers are extremely convenient. They free your hands, while transporting that lovable bundle of yours and they do the best for your “attachment parenting” philosophy, providing the most comfort for your baby-to-parent relationships. They are practical, necessary, and…too pretty not to use them.

There is a whole variety of slings, including the most popular kinds like baby wraps, pouch slings, ring slings and mai tais, some of these are silky, the others are made of organic materials like bamboo or hemp. They come in all colors and prints possible – from natural pale to bright and vibrant. There are slings of simple plain design and the most fashionable, embellished with Swarovski crystals. Some of them are handmade and others are manufactured.

Baby sling can be considered as an accessory. Many moms have them in dozens of colors to match their outfits, shoes and purses. When a baby is no longer small enough to be carried in a sling, some practical mothers use a baby wrap sling as a scarf or a pareo. Some moms being addicted to sling fashion get a doll sling for their toddler daughter while carrying a new-born in a sling. In this case mother and daughter have almost identical slings made of the same fabric.

Sling fashion spreads all over the world and many celebrities show up with their babies carried in slings. Julia Roberts, Gwen Stefani, Kate Hudson, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and many others are proud sling parents. Their fans even spot stars' sling choices and hunt for the same one at the sling market. To mention some of the slings can be quite pricey and cost about $200 or even more.

Baby sling rage hit dads too. Some contemporary fathers use baby wraps when carrying their babies. They choose nice masculine colors of slings to add some hint of seriousness to the parenting attitude. Famous dads like Brad Pitt or Liev Schreiber are often seen with their little ones carried in slings.

What scares is those sling addicts wearing slings just as an accessory and…without any baby in it. For more realistic look they sometimes put a doll instead of a baby and appear in some public places confusing everyone around. This is a sling mania indeed.

Today baby slings are in vogue for sure. We'll see if this new fad will last or it is just a caprice in taking up this fashion and it will drop next year. As for now – let's join the sling team!

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