Приветствую вас! Благодарю всех, кто заглядывает ко мне в гости и на встречи на моей рукодельной кухне, и сюда, на чашечку English Tea;) Рада всем знакомым, старым друзьям и новым подписчикам! Если желаете быть в курсе моих англо-новостей, подписывайтесь и добавляйтесь в читатели. Гаджет - слева на панельке)))

По ярлыкам можно посмотреть избранную информацию для учителей, учеников и их родителей. В верхнем меню вы найдете кое-что ОБО МНЕ, некоторые ПОЛЕЗНОСТИ (в т.ч. нормативно-правовые документы) и информацию о моих ДОСТИЖЕНИЯХ в профессиональной сфере.

пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

It’s not bad weather but wrong clothing

It is definitely cold outside sometimes. Sometimes it is even freezing out there. If you think the cold weather is not good enough for you to go outside, you probably don't have right clothing for this. Would you rather stay at home and get bored than put the nice warm coat on and have snowballs fun?

Fresh winter air is extremely healthy for a child as long as it’s not severe frost. To stay warm and active while playing outdoors keep in mind a couple of things.
  • Children's jacket should be warm but lightweight. It should not be tight or too large, but have enough space to let your child easily move in it. The best choice would be the jacket made of waterproof fabric.
  • Take a spare pare of mittens with you. This will keep your children's hands dry and warm even if they built the whole army of snowmen.
  • Check if your child's neck warm, and better do this every 15-20 minutes. The hands and cheeks can be cold but only cold neck means your baby feels cold.
  • Make sure you are actively moving. For some ideas what to do with your child outdoors during winter time stay with us!

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