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четверг, 7 мая 2015 г.

Baby bath tea bags: homemade with love

It is good when a baby loves bathing. Most of them do, but sometimes it seems they hate it. Just a guess, it might be a skin irritation that bothers them.

Baby skin is so soft and sensitive that it is often prone to redness and inflammation associated with diaper rash, sunburn, eczema or allergens. Using soap or wash gel can make the irritation even worse. In fact, newborns don't need soap at all. Water is enough, and herbal water is even better.

Bath tea bags are very handy and easy-to-use. All you need is just to hang a bag on the tap while the hot water is running through it filling the bath. Or you can simply drop a bath tea bag in to a bathtub and let it soak for a few minutes. Herbal extracts warmed in hot water dissolves in it turning the tap water into a healing remedy for you little angel. The herbs can take an inflammation and redness away and make your baby feel much better.

Lavender and oatmeal are known to be the natural cleansers. Calendula petals, bur marigold and chamomile blossoms have a soothing effect being anti-inflammatory agents. Rose petals are also can be used as skin calming remedy for irritated baby skin. It is good to add sun dried sea salt to the bathtub. It softens the tap water and enriches it with sea minerals that are needed for newborns.

Bath tea bags are sold at various stores and pharmacies. But what if there's none around or you need it right away? You can make baby bath tea bags at home. All you need is just a cup of your favorite herbals and a piece of cheesecloth, organza or muslin. Make drawstring bags out of a square or round piece of fabric – you can sew the seams as well if you want. Put some petals and blossoms in the center of cheesecloth and tie your bag tightly shut so the loose herbs won't float out into the bath water. After use the contents of your bath tea bag can be emptied, the bag itself rinsed out then washed to be refilled and reused.

You can sew the baby bath tea bags using a nice-looking organza or muslin as well. Use a contrast color of drawstrings to make a bag of interesting design. Handmade bath tea bags are very elegant and sweet, and can also work as a nice gift for your neighbor's baby-shower party. 

Using handmade baby bath tea bags can quickly take all skin redness and irritation away, and your baby will be grateful for such a nice spa-like bathing. You both will enjoy this bath time!

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